New For Old
Location InformationQuick Quote
Policy Information
Record ID:74483304
Cover Required From (*)
Park Details
Please select the park that your property is located at. (*)
My Residential Home
What type of home do you wish to insure? (*)
What type of policy do you require?(*)
What year was the unit built? (*)
if your unit was built before 1970 please contact us for a quote on 0344 274 0277
The amount you wish to insure your Structures for(*)
We can provide a quote online for Sums Insured between £40,000 and £300,000. Please contact us for a quote on 0344 274 0277
The amount you wish to insure for the contents in your park home(*)
If you need a Contents sum insured of more than £50,000 please contact us for a quote on 0344 274 0277
(*) - required field
Essentials vs Extra variance There are two levels of cover available for Residential Park Homes, Essentials and Extra.
• Our Extra product is our tailored offering and provides comprehensive areas of cover as well as the option to add Legal Expenses and Home Emergency.
• Our Essentials product provides standard cover but does not include certain areas of cover such as Accidental Damage, Personal Possessions and does not give the option for Legal Expenses or Home Emergency.
Full details of the difference in cover is detailed in our policy wording.
This will be the year of the model of caravan or holiday home you own, for example for a 2017 Willerby Granada you would enter 2017
If you want cover for less than £25,000 then please call us on 0344 2640277